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Full Body Art - 45$ 

Fully rendered character of your choice, these will be in singles only. However, I will cut a deal if you wish to order two separate full body works. 45$ for one, 80$ for two. (Feminine Characters ONLY)

Bust Image - 30$

Fully rendered character, bust and up only. One character per image; 30$ for one 55$ for two if you place them in the same order.

Animated Pixel
Animated Pixel

Animated Pixel Art - 28$

Pixel work, fully colored, fully animated.
(Limited to small things such as, blinking,
mouth movement, sparkles/hearts, etc.)

Chibi Art - 25$

Fully rendered chibi work! Comes in differing line options, light linework or dark linework. Please specify, or else I'll automatically go the darker route! 

25$ for a single non-animated chibi. 40$ for two chibis together in one image. Chibi head
only for 15$.

+5$ for simple animation (ie. blinking, blush, sparkles/hearts, etc.)
*note animations will include a white border 

Twitch Emote - 15$

Anime/cartoon style emote(s) for your twitch! 

15$ for 1
40$ for a package of 3

- - -
Twitch panels (
18$ per)
Sub badges (
refer to emote prices
Alert animations (
refer to chibi)

PayPal Only!

I only take payments for my works through the paypal platform, nothing else. I require payment up front, I will not start on your piece unless I have received your money. If I cannot complete your piece, I will do a full return.


My Commission Rules


Do's & Don'ts!


Will Draw

  • OCs

  • Cartoon/Anime/Video
    Game Characters

  • Irl People in My Style


Won't Draw

  • NSFW

  • Mecha/Armor/Cars

  • Muscley People

  • Extreme Facial Hair


References Required!

I need reference images of your character or person you're requesting me to draw. If you do not have images prepared you may doodle something or provide photos off the internet containing ideas of their clothing, hair, general features, etc.


Other Information

All images will be on a transparent background. Emotes will include all required Twitch sizing. I can also provide artwork for merchandise you wish to distribute as long as credit is given. 

I have full rights to decline any commissions containing things i'm just not comfortable enough to draw. Do not harass me to work on your commission at a quicker speed, in general I work rather quickly anyways. Also, just as a heads up... I tend to draw girls far better than boys, so keep that in mind! CONTACT ME!


© 2023 by Sasha Blake. Proudly created with

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